Dataset |
Data Access |
# records |
» Macrobenthic data
Access the data (through EurOBIS) |
31,747 |
Access the data (through EurOBIS) |
11,820 |
Access the data (through Macroben) |
136,677 |
Access the data (through IMERS) |
5,755 |
» Meiobenthic data
Access the data (through Manuela) |
1,583 |
Access the data (through Manuela) |
1,057 |
Access the data (through Manuela) |
2,667 |
Access the data (through Manuela) |
1,020 |
Access the data (through Manuela) |
2,290 |
Access the data (through Manuela) |
493 |
Access the data (through IMERS) |
11,353 |
Access the data (through IMERS) |
24,457 |
» Planktonic data
Access the data (through EurOBIS) |
12,782 |
» Integrated Bio and Physico-Chemical data
Access the data (through OMES Portal) |
76,000 |
Access later (through Scheldt Data Portal) |
187,567 |
» Total number of integrated data
507,268 |